Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Check out my new Blog! - Rocking Chair Memories

I've started a new blog called Rocking Chair Memories. Hope you'll drop in for a visit! The photo I've used in the main image is one that I took on the weekend. I just love how the quilt hangs gently over the top of the rocking chair. I can picture the woman of the house sitting there rocking a baby or Grandbaby, humming a lullaby while watching the goings on outside the window.

Hailie and I visited a Heritage Pioneer Village not far from  here and I got the most amazing pictures! I'll be sharing more of them on my new blog and I'll have to make another trip down there when I'm alone as most of the buildings were inaccessible with a baby stroller. All in all we had a wonderful day together walking through the village. We even had homemade butter and scones!


  1. Did that place used to be called Black Creek Pioneer Village or is that a different place. I've never been there but would love to go.I know when me son was in school...his class was taken to BCPV on a class trip

  2. That's another place in Toronto. This one is in Huntsville and it's fairly new. It's called Muskoka Heritage Place. I hope to go to BCPV this summer and I'll be sure to take a LOT of pics!


Another Penny Rug Christmas Tree

Just listed another one on Ebay. Off to make a couple more for my craft sale! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=39069...