Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Prayers and more Prayers
Our thoughts and Prayers are with all that were impacted by today's tragedy. May you find peace in His love.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Better late than never....
I meant to post this a couple of days ago but the weekend kind of took over...funny how that seems to happen isn't it? I've been busy painting my kitchen chairs black....something I've been wanting to do for ages and I'm finally getting it done :)
Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that I've been busy working on some Christmas ornaments and pot holders. Some are listed on Ebay and there are more in the works that will be listed soon. Here's a link if you want to check them out...http://www.ebay.com/sch/primcountrycupboard/m.html?item=261124346077&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that I've been busy working on some Christmas ornaments and pot holders. Some are listed on Ebay and there are more in the works that will be listed soon. Here's a link if you want to check them out...http://www.ebay.com/sch/primcountrycupboard/m.html?item=261124346077&ssPageName=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
Monday, October 1, 2012
Winter Wonderland Giveaway! This is gonna be a GREAT one! It has 24 different prizes with 24 different winners. It begins today and continues until the 22nd of October.
Brenda of The Rusty Thimble is sponsoring this amazing giveaway and has worked hard putting it all together.
Here's a peek of the prizes
Come back here and leave an extra comment on this post to have another entry!
Good Luck Everyone!
Friday, August 24, 2012
New Fall Table Mat - Penny Rug Style
Just listed on Ebay here! Fall is in the air...is everyone ready???? I sure am, it's my favorite time of year!
Have a great weekend :)
Monday, August 13, 2012
My newest creations - Cross Stitch on Wool!
I mentioned in my last post that I was working on something new and I still am but I have a couple of items finished and just listed on Ebay.
These were free patterns from Betty. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us :)
These were a challenge as anyone that's ever done cross stitch can tell you that;
1. It's hard on the eyes no matter what size aida cloth or fabric you use.
2. It's very time consuming work.
3. These were extra hard as those little holes you put your needle into weren't there!
I love how they turned out though and am working on a couple more that need finishing. I'll share when I get them done. These were completely hand stitched - no sewing machine used. I think I need new glasses...LOL
You can find them on Ebay here
Friday, August 3, 2012
Playin' Catch Up
Whew! It's been a busy summer so far - not much time for posting so I thought I would share what we've done in photos. Grab some coffee and sit back and visit with us for a while :)
We've taken many road trips to Amish Country which is only a 20 minute ride from us. It's gorgeous country farmland and it's my "Happy Place". I hope to move there some day but for now I'm happy taking car rides there to de-stress. I can get lost on the back roads for hours! Good thing Miss Pearl likes it too :)
This particular day the men were at their small school chopping wood for the winter. I asked if I could take some photos and they said yes. I didn't take any photos of the men themselves though, as I know they don't like that so I stuck to horses, buggies, and beautiful scenery.
This guy was raking hay the old way and right next to him in another field was a guy doing the same thing but using a tractor. This way appeals to me more and it sure was a lot more quiet than the guy using the tractor!
My Dad, Miss Pearl and I went strawberry picking - photo taken with my phone.
Miss Pearl and I went pickin' raspberries one day...
and met some friendly turkeys while we were there
We did some of this...
and some of this....
We also took a trip to Ottawa to see my eye doc last weekend and stopped at a gorgeous one room school house museum (coming in another post). Doc said everything is going good with my eye and she was pleased with the results of the operation.
I've been doing some sewing and hope to have a few new finished items posted soon. I love how they're turning out.
It's a long weekend here in Canada so it's gonna be another busy one. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
New Penny Rug Table Mat
Just poppin in to let you all know I've just added my newest penny rug creation. You can find it here on ebay.
I've got a few other new projects in the works that I'll share as soon as they're done.
Happy Summer!
I've got a few other new projects in the works that I'll share as soon as they're done.
Happy Summer!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Happy Canada Day!
Happy Canada Day! It was another gorgeous day here today and last night we enjoyed fireworks in our small town. The display was shorter than past years but wonderful just the same. I guess money is tight all over.
Miss Pearl enjoyed the fireworks, just not the loud noise that accompanies them so we had to cover her ears. Next year I'll bring head phones to cover them...hehe
Miss Pearl enjoyed the fireworks, just not the loud noise that accompanies them so we had to cover her ears. Next year I'll bring head phones to cover them...hehe
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
My baby girl Graduated today!
Congratulations Shelby!
The graduation ceremony was held this morning at 11 am at our Arts Centre and then we headed back to the school for some photos and a BBQ.
This is the old part of the school that is perfect for photos. This building is amazing inside and out with original woodwork including classroom doors and high wooden baseboards all around. Of course the students weren't too fussy about climbing 5 flights of stairs to go to their classes. The newer part of the school is nice too but I'm partial to old buildings like this.
Shelby, me and hubby/stepfather Nathan.
Miss Pearl practicing for her turn. She was such a good girl through the long ceremony and afterwards. She hugged Auntie "Bebe" and said "Congratulations, I'm so proud of you"....too friggin cute!
My brother Vic, Me, Shelby, Miss Pearl and Hubby. My parents were at the ceremony but didn't come back to the school as my Mom wasn't feeling good.
Shelby and her girlfriend Melissa.
It was a wonderful day! I'm so very proud of her and excited for her to begin the next stage of her life but on the other hand I'm sad to see this part over. My baby is growing up!
They have a dinner and dance tonight and then a camping party to attend after the dance. There will be a lot of tired teenagers (and some very tired adults that are chaperoning the party) tomorrow judging by the amount of tents that were at their friend Jeff's place.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Penny Rugs and some great news
Shelby's school held their Academic awards the other night. We knew she had won a $500 bursary (they mailed us a notice) and she was given a letter from her school saying that she needed to attend. We weren't sure if she had won another one because it was all very hush hush...the students were just told that they had won an award and needed to attend. Well she did win another one! Another $400 bursary! So that's $900 in total towards her tuition which is REALLY going to help! Plus we've applied for this new Ontario Tuition Grant that she will probably recieve too and that's another $770 that doesn't need to be paid back like a student loan! That will cover almost half of her first year in College.
There were only 85 bursaries/scholarships given out and she won 2 of them! We are so proud of her! So I now have 2 girls in College :) and Miss Pearl will be starting JK in another year.
Santana, my oldest, has gone back to school too. She just started a couple of weeks ago. She's studying to become a Paralegal and she's loving the course! She passed her equivalency test (GED) and enrolled in a business college in the city. We are so proud of her for going back to school...it's hard to go back once you've gotten a taste of the working world and are out on your own!
In other news....hehe, I've just listed a new Halloween Banner and Candle Mat on Ebay.
My eye is healing nicely. I've only lost one of the stitches so far - 4 or 5 more to go! It's really annoying having those stitches in so I can't wait for them to go away. It's like having a bunch of long eye lashes in your eye that you can't take out! Hailie and I are counting down the days until I can lift her (and other things) again....2 more to go!
Happy Thursday Everyone!
There were only 85 bursaries/scholarships given out and she won 2 of them! We are so proud of her! So I now have 2 girls in College :) and Miss Pearl will be starting JK in another year.
Santana, my oldest, has gone back to school too. She just started a couple of weeks ago. She's studying to become a Paralegal and she's loving the course! She passed her equivalency test (GED) and enrolled in a business college in the city. We are so proud of her for going back to school...it's hard to go back once you've gotten a taste of the working world and are out on your own!
In other news....hehe, I've just listed a new Halloween Banner and Candle Mat on Ebay.
My eye is healing nicely. I've only lost one of the stitches so far - 4 or 5 more to go! It's really annoying having those stitches in so I can't wait for them to go away. It's like having a bunch of long eye lashes in your eye that you can't take out! Hailie and I are counting down the days until I can lift her (and other things) again....2 more to go!
Happy Thursday Everyone!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Bursary and Scholarships
My baby girl won a $500.00 bursary yesterday and she was notified from the school that she has to be at the awards ceremony next week to accept a scholarship. They won't tell her which one or how much because it's a surprise to all of the winners. I am SO VERY PROUD of her! I know she will do an amazing job in college. She's been accepted into the Police Foundations course at 4 different colleges but she chose to go to our local college...which makes this Mama bear very happy that she'll still be at home :)
Monday, May 28, 2012
Want a Do Over for this weekend!
Well this weekend has been a rough one. I had my eye surgery on Friday. Miss Pearl fell and sprained her ankle while I was away in Ottawa for the operation and refused to even try to put any weight on it until yesterday so my parents had to carry her around all weekend. She finally started walking (with a bit of a limp) on it yesterday. Good thing because I can't lift anything for 2 weeks.
Then my oldest daughter was in a car accident yesterday. They were trying to avoid being hit by another car and her boyfriend sped up to get out of the way of it. They hit loose gravel and rolled in the ditch. Thank God everyone is OK. She's got a bit of a sore neck and back and baby granddaughter Evelynn cut her toe a bit - no stitches just a bandaid that she won't keep on. Her boyfriend is OK and his brother who was in the back seat with the baby hurt his arm shielding Evelynn when they rolled. Here's a photo of the car.
I sure hope this week is better. But ya know? God is Amazing to take care of all of us the way He always does! We are all truly blessed and thankful for HIS LOVE.
Then my oldest daughter was in a car accident yesterday. They were trying to avoid being hit by another car and her boyfriend sped up to get out of the way of it. They hit loose gravel and rolled in the ditch. Thank God everyone is OK. She's got a bit of a sore neck and back and baby granddaughter Evelynn cut her toe a bit - no stitches just a bandaid that she won't keep on. Her boyfriend is OK and his brother who was in the back seat with the baby hurt his arm shielding Evelynn when they rolled. Here's a photo of the car.
I sure hope this week is better. But ya know? God is Amazing to take care of all of us the way He always does! We are all truly blessed and thankful for HIS LOVE.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Still around and kickin'
Hi everyone,
Just a quick note to let you all know I'm still around. Had a couple of trips to Ottawa in the past month and an eye operation yesterday. I'm not sure if I mentioned this on my blog before or not, but I had a brain aneursym when I was 24 that left me blind for a year and a half and the eyesight never came back in my right eye. Over the years it started turning to the outside of the eye to the point of giving me double vision. It got worse over the past 2 years so I decided to get it fixed. I still don't have full vision out of that eye and never will due to the scarring that occured when the aneurysm burst but the operation I had will help with the double vision and will stop my eye from moving to the far right as it was. It's only been one day and I already notice a huge difference. Hurts like hell right now because they had to cut the muscles on both sides of the eye and I have stitches in my eye but I'm hopeful that I'll feel better in a few days.
I'll save y'all and I won't post a pic cause it's pretty gross looking...LOL
Hope to catch up on all my fav blogs soon.
Just a quick note to let you all know I'm still around. Had a couple of trips to Ottawa in the past month and an eye operation yesterday. I'm not sure if I mentioned this on my blog before or not, but I had a brain aneursym when I was 24 that left me blind for a year and a half and the eyesight never came back in my right eye. Over the years it started turning to the outside of the eye to the point of giving me double vision. It got worse over the past 2 years so I decided to get it fixed. I still don't have full vision out of that eye and never will due to the scarring that occured when the aneurysm burst but the operation I had will help with the double vision and will stop my eye from moving to the far right as it was. It's only been one day and I already notice a huge difference. Hurts like hell right now because they had to cut the muscles on both sides of the eye and I have stitches in my eye but I'm hopeful that I'll feel better in a few days.
I'll save y'all and I won't post a pic cause it's pretty gross looking...LOL
Hope to catch up on all my fav blogs soon.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Prayer Request
Hi Everyone,
I would like to ask that you keep my Mom in your prayers. She just got back from a visit to the doctors today and was told her kidneys are failing. She's always been a pretty healthy person so this is hard news. She goes back to the doctor tomorrow and will see a Urologist soon.
We all know what the strength of prayer can do so all prayers are greatly appreciated :)
God Bless.
I would like to ask that you keep my Mom in your prayers. She just got back from a visit to the doctors today and was told her kidneys are failing. She's always been a pretty healthy person so this is hard news. She goes back to the doctor tomorrow and will see a Urologist soon.
We all know what the strength of prayer can do so all prayers are greatly appreciated :)
God Bless.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
More Penny Rug Items
Here are a couple of more penny rug items that I've just listed in my Ebay store.
We missed the major winter storms the past few days but we did get some snow and some nasty freezing rain. It's still really cold though and our poor plants are so confused by the strange weather.
My baby turned 18 a couple of days ago - where does the time go????
She had a quiet party here at home (the night we had freezing rain) so only 6 of her friends were able to make it, but I think they had a good time.
I made homemade pizza and snacks and her favorite -- ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.
Miss Pearl helped decorate the house for the party.
We missed the major winter storms the past few days but we did get some snow and some nasty freezing rain. It's still really cold though and our poor plants are so confused by the strange weather.
My baby turned 18 a couple of days ago - where does the time go????
She had a quiet party here at home (the night we had freezing rain) so only 6 of her friends were able to make it, but I think they had a good time.
I made homemade pizza and snacks and her favorite -- ice cream cake from Dairy Queen.
Miss Pearl helped decorate the house for the party.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
New Ebay Penny Rug Listings
Just listed on Ebay this evening. New Penny rug items.Click here for more info
I'm having so much fun working with felt. It also gives my eyes a break for cross stitching!
I'm having so much fun working with felt. It also gives my eyes a break for cross stitching!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
New toy for my Kitchen!
I have wanted one of these for a very long time but couldn't justify the $300+ cost of one, but.....Walmart had a sale! They were marked down to $196! I was there the other day and put one in my cart, did all the rest of my shopping, and then put it back on the shelf just before I checked out - still didn't want to spend that much money on a mixer. I reasoned that my hands were still good enough for kneading dough and I have a wonderful hand-held mixer that I've been using for years. I really don't have the counter space, it's too much money...etc etc.
I went back to Walmart a few days later and there were only a handful left on the shelf and it looked like all the black ones (the color I wanted) were sold out but I just kept going past them and focused on the items I needed to pick up.
Then, today I had a nap with Miss Pearl and a dream that I had the mixer and was loving it! When I woke up I was kicking myself for not getting it at that great price. So....I asked Shelby to run to town today (she has her driver's license now - that's pretty handy!) and pick one up for me. It. Was. The. Last. Black.One.
So I spent this afternoon rearranging my countertop so I could make room for it.
I think I'm in LOVE!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
New Listings on Ebay
Just listed a couple of antique rolling pins on Ebay with hand made sleeves. I have more to finish up and list soon. Click here to visit my listings.
We're finally getting more Spring-like temps which is good - poor plants and animals must be so confused. I think the snow is over though and we're enjoying the cooler temps for now. At least this cold snap will kill off some of the mosquitoes that were already being a nuisance. It's amazing how quickly the bugs come out with warm weather!
Have a great weekend!
We're finally getting more Spring-like temps which is good - poor plants and animals must be so confused. I think the snow is over though and we're enjoying the cooler temps for now. At least this cold snap will kill off some of the mosquitoes that were already being a nuisance. It's amazing how quickly the bugs come out with warm weather!
Have a great weekend!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Where are you Spring?
Anyone else go from winter to summer and miss out on spring altogether?
It was +27C here today...in the shade!!! We were all out in the yard in t-shirts and pants and had to change into shorts it was so hot! Where are you spring????
But like my Dad said earlier today...winter's not over yet -LOL
It was +27C here today...in the shade!!! We were all out in the yard in t-shirts and pants and had to change into shorts it was so hot! Where are you spring????
But like my Dad said earlier today...winter's not over yet -LOL
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Playing Catch Up...
It's been ages since I've posted....I've been super busy...but it's time to catch up. Please know that I've been reading all your blogs and keeping up to date with everyone even if I haven't commented much.
There will be some very random posts in the next couple of days that may or may not be in any particular order so here goes!
I was published in my first Gooseberry Patch Cookbook! How cool is that? I think it's great of them to send you a free book when they use one of your recipes. There are a few in this one that I plan to make.
We've done a bit of this lately....it's been a really easy winter for us compared to others! Hailie loves being out in the snow. We made snow angels and a snowman last week too.
And we even got to go out ice fishing this winter. My brother bought a new hut and my Dad took us out. Hope to get out this weekend as it's the last weekend for pickerel fishing and it's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend with temps in the + and sunny!
My Dad, Miss Pearl, Lynn (my brother's girlfriend) and brother Vic. We didn't catch any fish that time but had a great day on the lake!
Well that's it for now...more random posts to come :)
There will be some very random posts in the next couple of days that may or may not be in any particular order so here goes!
I was published in my first Gooseberry Patch Cookbook! How cool is that? I think it's great of them to send you a free book when they use one of your recipes. There are a few in this one that I plan to make.
We've done a bit of this lately....it's been a really easy winter for us compared to others! Hailie loves being out in the snow. We made snow angels and a snowman last week too.
And we even got to go out ice fishing this winter. My brother bought a new hut and my Dad took us out. Hope to get out this weekend as it's the last weekend for pickerel fishing and it's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend with temps in the + and sunny!
Well that's it for now...more random posts to come :)
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Another Penny Rug Christmas Tree
Just listed another one on Ebay. Off to make a couple more for my craft sale! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=39069...

Winter Wonderland Giveaway! This is gonna be a GREAT one! It has 24 different prizes with 24 different winners. It begins today and con...
Just listed another one on Ebay. Off to make a couple more for my craft sale! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=39069...
My Dad passed away on June 20th. We've all been lost ever since. I was blessed to have him in my life for 49 years....oh, but what I wou...